Friday, 6 September 2019

Mother's Wrath

I wrote this poem some time ago, but as time goes by, unfortunately, it becomes more relevant.
   It is about the arrogance of Mankind, and the abuse of the Earth. 
   Earth is a gift.
   Appreciate and care for it.

~Mother’s Wrath~

She stood on the beach and the waves spat acrid froth before her.
The sea churned and rolled.
The ocean screamed: fearful waves recoiling at her presence,
Rearing as though to crush her in anger,
To bring all its force to carry her to oblivion.
But to this she showed no fear,
For only one emotion remained:
All pity and compassion driven out beneath the black searing rage
That Man had fuelled.
She closed her eyes.
The ocean rose like steaming dew on a summer’s morn
And cooled her skin.

Man’s betrayal drove cruel and deep into her soul.
For all that she had done,
And all the infinite wonders of the world she had created for Him.
Yet He stood ungrateful amongst the litter of the Earth,
Reeking ruin and death in his arrogant way.
Blind to such a fragile gift.
Foolish as to his own significance.

She walked the dry ocean bed and the sky wept at her passing.
Tears steamed on the parched ground
And around her everything died.
The sky grew dark.
Forests withered and were as ash tossed on the wind.
Creatures turned to dust as they fled.
And Mankind despaired,
Felt the pang of such terrible realisation;
The pain of loss; of regret.
And as He fought for his final breath,
As his crops burned
And the very air He breathed became poison
Mother’s voice harried on the wind:
Heed my warning
And know the power of my wrath.

Should she let Mankind wake
From the deluded dream that was his supercilious life?
Should He have one last chance at redemption?
Man did not deserve the beauty of the Earth.
But the Earth itself was deserving.

This once…But never again.


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